"I love the way TeriLeigh pushes me outside of my comfort zone but with the utmost confidence and encouragement.
As homework recently, she suggested that I interview people who have had or are having similar struggles.
My immediate thought was why would anyone want to take thd time out of their day to talk to me for any given time? Also had a temendous amount of resistance to just doing the work. To be honest I did have several people either ignore my inquiry or reject the invitation!
However, through this program, I have learned that that is just part of this whole research and development process of starting a new business, and I was not discouraged by this. The people I have talked to so far have had so much to contribute and my level of awareness, sensitivity, and compassion has risen to the many issues people face. I will be better able to tailor my coaching program to specific needs depending on the client.
The flipside of this is that I'm learning that I am actually not so bad at relating to people and listening generously!
Probably one of the best investments I have made thus far in my life!"