I'm overwhelmed with the love and support I have received in Sukha's Rainbow Bridge Crossing. For the better part of a decade, Sukha was my co-pilot in traveling the country leading yoga teacher trainings, offering chakra workshops, and giving one-on-one chakra readings and mentoring. She played an integral role in co-creating a healing environment for me, my students, and my clients. (read about Sukha here)
Many of you have asked how I am doing since she crossed.
And my answer is PEACE & CLARITY.

Sukha was ready to cross the bridge. Because she had CCD (canine cognitive dysfunction ~ doggie dementia) I think she had been mostly crossed over for quite some time. As a result, I had done much of my grieving while her physical body was still walking and pacing the creaky floors of my home. For months, I often said to my hubby, "I miss her," as she became more and more distant. The CCD symptoms heightened over time, and she became more and more confused (because she was walking in two worlds). As an empath, I was hyper-aware of her anxiety and confusion, as I lived it too.
What I didn't realize was how much my own life was a world of wandering in confusion with undertones of anxiety. If I really think back, about the time Sukha started showing significant symptoms was the same time I started having difficulty sleeping. Not too long after I started giving her CBD oil 3-4x a day, I started taking my own micro-dose (1mg) gummies as a sleep aid. When she started barking at ghosts, I started having vivid not-so-nice dreams. The days she paced aimlessly and waited for the hinge side of doors to open, I found myself waiting for doors that never opened as well.
And then we performed her Rainbow Bridge Crossing Ritual.
And then I installed her ashes, picture, and the OM tag she wore on her collar into my ancestor shrine. I activated her faerie garden. And she took her place on my Celestial Team.
I have slept through the night, deep, restful, peaceful, fall-asleep-fast-wake-up-enthused sleep ever since. I have found clarity in my writing, in my work, in my relationships, in my home, in my family, and in my heart. The confusion has lifted. And the anxiety has melted. Everything in my world now feels at peace, calm, centered, steady, and sweet.
Somehow, I knew this would happen.
While everyone is expressing their condolences of my grieving to me, I am celebrating. Instead of leaving me, she has elevated her position in my life to being more powerful, more present, more impactful. Sure, I miss her physical body. I miss kissing the top of her head between her pointy ears. I miss spooning her at bedtime. I miss her tap-tapping toenails on the hardwood floors coming towards me when I call her with a kissy sound. I miss the deep loving look in her eyes.
But I don't miss her.
I truly believe that in those months she lived with CCD, her essence was gradually evaporating away from her body, to be absorbed by the energy around her. Including into me (and Tosha and Hobbit). As part of her crossing, as she exhaled her last breath, I inhaled. I took her spirit into me.
Her essence has absorbed into me. I feel her in my everything.
Have you lost a loved one, pet or human, and are having a hard time with Grief? Book a Mentoring Session to learn how to hold hands with Grief, perform a Grief Ritual and install an Ancestor Shrine for yourself.