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Staying Sober

Getting Sober is the hard part. Staying Sober is the Growing part.

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Angela's Story

After getting sober and losing a lot of weight, Angela didn't know how to move forward in her life. So much had changed, and 12-Step meetings weren't reaching the spiritual depth she craved. Yet she was afraid she might fall off the wagon.


Sacred Mentorship helped her to develop and deepen a daily spiritual practice. She is now able to step-by-step her way to a new normal and learn to love her new self in big enough ways to reach for lifelong dreams.

"I do feel different than a year ago. I am in a different frame of mind. That is a wonderful thing. I AM OKAY IN THIS PERIOD OF TRANSITION AND I FEEL REALLY GOOD."

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Your past was a lesson, not a life sentence.

What is Sacred Mentorship?

I hold your hand, and ask just the right questions to get you figuring the hard stuffs out for yourself.


I tell you what I hear with my happy ears, even when you talk in your heavy voice.


I help you see the good stuffs that are coming out of the hard stuffs

from a personal growth and spiritual perspective.


I've been there, and I know the hard stuffs are hard,

and they are ALWAYS ALWAYS worth it.

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Whimsical and colorful rainbow glitter background perfect for celebrating the LGBTQIA comm

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