Tasha came to me as a recent college graduate working in the internship of her dreams. On paper, everything in her life appeared to be wonderful. Despite coming from a very loving and supportive family, working the job of her dreams, and living the adventure of relocating from the midwest to the Florida, Tasha didn’t feel happiness. Instead, she felt deep loneliness and lack of self-worth and purpose. Therapists diagnosed her with clinical depression and anxiety. Despite four to five years of consistent therapy, she was not improving. Instead, her issues devolved into challenges with binge-eating, social anxiety, agoraphobic tendencies, and more.
Upon further probing, I discovered that Tasha’s father had died unexpectedly in a car crash while she was in college. Having lived a grounded and supportive midwest childhood, she had never experienced any trauma before. While it seemed on the surface she had processed her dad’s death effectively through therapy and grief counseling, I suggested that she really wasn’t depressed and anxious, but rather her symptoms were a result of deep grief over not only the loss of her father, but of her entire world and life as she knew it. Over the course of eight once a month sessions, and simple MOZI Method exercises, Tasha emerged from the depths of grief and depression into a flourishing life of purpose and joy. Within just a couple months her binging and social anxiety completely evaporated. After completing the full MOZI Method initial series of exercises, she reported a full and vibrant social life, a passion for her work, and an enthusiasm for her future.
In her own words…
My first session with TL blew my mind as it totally resonated with me. I was in GRIEF not depression and anxiety. That huge shift in perspective gave me hope and understanding step in right direction. After several sessions, I now know that I am OKAY. I am better than OKAY. I now feel I feel powerful in it! I am learning I need to trust myself and I know who I am. I am a good person. I have all the qualities of the best people. I’m feeling stronger and more connected to my sense of self than I’ve felt in a looong looooong time. It’s truly amazing how far I’ve come, and I’m really proud of my story.
*In my work, I have noticed an influx of young adults, in their twenties and early thirties, speaking of issues with depression and anxiety. This is epidemic and growing among the millennial generation. I believe it to be an increase in "quarter-life-crises" happening as a lack of mentorship and increasing demands on success are placed on the young adults of society today. I've had significant success with young adults this age in challenges with anxiety, depression, success frustration, scarcity consciousness, and overall adulting challenges.